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A shape that stands out

The embrace of a mother, the embrace of a flavor that welcomes us.

Our Selections



From the richness of our territory and the persevering commitment to discovering new horizons, we offer a personal and refined variety of wines that tell the uniqueness of our cellar.


Italo Cescon

In 1957, about 30 km from Treviso, the history of our company came to life thanks to the intuition and courage of our beloved founder, Italo Cescon. From that moment, the passion for wine became the lifeblood that fueled our lives, us children - Gloria, Graziella and Domenico - together with our dear mother Chiara, custodians of the memories and secrets of a family that has made viticulture its mission. We are located in the production area of ​​the Piave DOC, between the Treviso hilly area and Friuli, with Montello to the north and the Venetian lagoon to the south, along the axis of the Piave river.


The history

This story actually begins a few years before 1957,   when Italo Cescon, having just returned from military service in 1954, decided to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather Domenico, undertaking the production of wine in the small "Enoteca Italo Cescon" winery.

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From the beginning, we have stood out for the exclusive sale of bottled wine, with handwritten straw paper labels and the characteristic Tralcetto, a symbol born from a spontaneous gesture, tying a knotty stick to the neck of the bottle. In 1967, after the flood of 1966, we moved to the current company headquarters in Roncadelle (Treviso), in order to expand logistics and production.

The 70s saw our wines conquer European markets, from Rome to Milan, from Germany to Switzerland and France, thanks to our father's entrepreneurial vision.

The 80s marked the peak of our production, with the launch of the "La Cesura" line, which brought important international recognition thanks to wines such as Raboso DOC Piave and Manzoni Bianco 6.0.13.

In the 90s, we of the third generation Gloria, Graziella and Domenico, continued the legacy of our family with enthusiasm and innovation.

We renewed the Italo Cescon brand in 2006, maintaining its historicity but adapting it to the needs of modern consumers. In 2008, we planted the first cuttings of Incrocio Manzoni 6.0.13 in the new Fagarè estate, a few kilometers from Treviso, constantly investing in new vineyards, research and experimentation. For us, making wine is not just a job, it is our vocation.

Today the Italo Cescon winery has 120 hectares of vineyards: 80 hectares in the south-eastern Veneto (of which approximately 20 hectares are owned), 15 hectares in Friuli Venezia Giulia and 15 hectares on the hills of Valdobbiadene.


Territory: The flavor of the land along the banks of the Piave river

The banks of the Piave river offer an enchanting landscape, where water and land blend in a perfect union, reflecting every single nuance of this unique land in our wines.

Each bottle embodies the distinctive characteristics of this region, expressing specific flavors and aromas of vines that find nourishment in the richness of the soil and the millenary history of the area.

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Our wine production is a celebration of the tradition and cultural heritage of this area, where every sip tells a story of passion and dedication.


An ancient bond: Manzoni Bianco and Raboso

Incrocio Manzoni 6.0.13, known for its elegance and aromaticity, has always embellished the Treviso hills with its delicate bunches.

This vine, a symbol of refinement, represents the perfect fusion between innovation and tradition, bringing a unique sensorial experience to the glasses.

Raboso, with an evocative name full of history, could derive from a tributary of the Piave river or from its characteristics as a robusta variety. This vine is a true monument to the resilience and poetry of our land, capable of resisting time and bad weather, just like the stories it tells.


Tradition united with modernity

Manzoni Bianco and Raboso are wines that have their roots in the most ancient memories of our land, witnesses of a glorious past that blends harmoniously with the modernity of our other vines.

This blend of tradition and innovation represents the true essence of our territory, offering a wine experience that reveals the authentic character of our wine production. Each glass is a sensorial journey through time, an invitation to discover the flavors and aromas that make our land unique.


Method: from the vineyard to the cellar

The connection between the land and the vineyard represents the first fundamental step in giving a wine its distinctive character.

The protection of the vineyard and the land on which it grows is our essential duty.

In the vineyards, the bunches receive all the nutrients necessary for optimal maturation, while in the cellar they find the ideal environment to evolve their maximum personality, thanks to special processes and time.

This transformation process is essential for developing superior quality wines.


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Care and love

From the first work in the vineyard, we wisely guide the life cycle of the vine.

This allows us to follow every stage of ripening, facilitating fruit growth and preserving the health of the plant. This way, we can get the maximum flavor from each bunch.

Every year, during the first months, the vine takes on a new physiognomy thanks to pruning, which removes unnecessary branches and gives space to the fruits to ripen freely, acquiring all the nourishment necessary to improve their quality.


The green pruning

Meticulous work, such as green pruning, allows us to relieve the plant of sterile herbaceous shoots.

This practice, carried out by hand, guarantees targeted and complete care of our vines, determining the quality of our wines.

During green pruning, we carefully evaluate which buds to remove to allow the others to receive a perfect influx of air and light, promoting optimal growth. In agriculture, the principle "Less is more" is fundamental: removing what is superfluous is essential to re-establish the balance between abundant production and high quality.

Depriving the plant of some bunches and the vegetative component improves the ripening process of the residual bunches and refines the quality of the wines we produce. This conscious choice, which starts from the grape, is the basis of our production philosophy.


A choice that begins with the grape

The union of the individual parts creates something greater. Starting from this assumption, we have refined each step over the years to get ever closer to the best possible result. The grape is our starting point, the detail that makes the flavor of each of our wines unique. The obsessive attention to detail is what distinguishes our products and guarantees excellence in every bottle.


The result

The expressions of this working method are reflected in our selections: Il Tralcetto, Madre and Tesirare. Each of these wines represents the culmination of our dedication and passion for viticulture, offering a unique sensorial experience that expresses the essence of our territory.


Organic Vineyards: Our Eco-sustainable Philosophy

We take care of our organic vineyards by strictly respecting their natural cycles and adopting eco-sustainable practices. Biodiversity is the true richness of our lands; thanks to this balance and the interactions between the different plant species, we are able to obtain genuine, high-quality products. To enrich the soil of our vineyards, we use the ancient green manure technique, an effective and natural method that amplifies the fertility of the soil. This practice allows us to maintain a healthy and productive ecosystem, essential for the growth of robust vines and the production of excellent grapes.


Sovescio: An Ancient and Natural Technique

Green manure is an agricultural technique that consists of cultivating specific legume plants and then burying them in the soil to improve their fertility. This method, studied and refined over the course of our experience, represents a pillar of our agricultural philosophy. The plants used for green manure fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil, improving its structure and enriching it with essential nutrients. This natural process helps create an ideal environment for vine growth, promoting biodiversity and vineyard health.


A Unique and Personal Road

Our cellar has defined a unique and personal path, just like our wines. The eco-sustainable choices we have adopted allow us to produce wines with a distinctive and meaningful character. Each bottle of Italo Cescon tells a story of dedication to nature and respect for the environment. Our daily commitment is reflected in the quality of our products, which we continue to embellish with passion and innovation.


The Distinctive Character of Our Wines

Thanks to organic and sustainable practices, Italo Cescon wines have an authentic flavor that reflects the purity and richness of our territory. Every sip is a journey through our vineyards, a sensorial experience that celebrates nature and the art of viticulture. Choosing natural and environmentally friendly methods allows us to offer our customers wines that are not only good, but also ethical and sustainable.